Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Still Good!

Everything went well today, still don't know the sex, but I told Mike that it looks very feminine to me! LOL! We go back on July 17th, a week later than I thought cause we agreed to be in a stupid study! Thay should have told us the time before hand otherwise I wouldn't have agreed. Don't these people know that I need to know ASAP??!! Geesh! The heartbeat was still beating strong at 154 bpm so that is good and we got to see all sorts of things like feet, arms, hands, the baby yawning, it's stomache and heart. We even saw the goods but I couldn't tell one way or the other. I didn't see a hot dog but I also didn't see the tell all three lines of a girl so who knows? Time will tell. I can't believe I have to wait another 5 weeks. Time seems to stand still these days, however, not as long as it did when we were actually waiting to do the IVF so I should consider myself lucky. That's all for now, I have another docs appointment on the 18th of June and will let you all know how that goes. I will be in my 2nd trimester at the end of this week so that is a relief. Can't wait for the 17th!

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